Wednesday, June 23, 2010

He walked, walks with me!!

oh my, You have been with me Abba You have held me, lifted me up You have provided family beyond my imagination You have allowed this cancer in me and i pray You will be glorified by my life i thank You for the strength and courage that has only come from You. i cannot walk this path alone i felt for a large part of my life that i would walk alone but now i see i have never been alone even in my chosen times of isolation You are with me. You have gifted me with brothers and sisters, people who don't follow the rules of dysfunctional families like i had they tell me talk ...all i need to for they will listen feel...let my healing from frozen emotions happen rock the boat!! ask questions..ask for help experience pain ...for it is the path to Blessing let joy in and out i am blessed, Papa i am grateful i am walking forward .. one more step off the log in the picture and into the adventure You have planned for me.


The Pearl Turtle said...

This is awesome, bj! Keep on sharing! I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Your life DOES glorify Him. Most definitely, my sweet sister/friend!

love and hugs

Leigh Anne said...

You are beautiful, and He is glorified in you! Praise you Father for healing my sister. Bless her and Andras, protect them each, and please supply strength to each of them, and ease pains. In the name of Jesus. I pray, and leave these special people in your more than capable hands.